Aula 06: Manifesto OnLife

Livro The Manifesto Onlife - Completo

Livro The Manifesto Onlife - Completo em Português

Introduction 1
Luciano Floridi

Parte I - The Onlife Manifesto - 7 a 13

Part II – 17 a 38
Charles Ess—Commentary on The Onlife Manifesto 17 - Charles Ess
Luciano Floridi—Commentary on the Onlife Manifesto 21 - Luciano Floridi
Commentary on the Onlife Manifesto 25 - Jean-Gabriel Ganascia
Dualism is Dead. Long Live Plurality (Instead of Duality) 27 - Mireille Hildebrandt
Commentary by Yiannis Laouris 31 - Yiannis Laouris
Comments to the Onlife Manifesto 33 - Ugo Pagallo
Comment to the Manifesto 35 - Judith Simon
May Thorseth: Commentary of the Manifesto 37 - May Thorseth

Parte III - 39 a 48 - A Iniciativa Onlife

Parte IV - 51 a 63 - Hyperconnectivity

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